Como cada año a finales del mes de octubre la ciudad de Oviedo acoge los premios Príncipe de Asturias donde se premia la Comunicación y Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales, Artes, Letras, Investigación Científica y Técnica, Cooperación Internacional, Concordia y Deportes.
As every year in late October Oviedo welcomes the Prince of Asturias awards were awarded Communication and Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts, Letters, Scientific Research and Technology, International Cooperation, Concord and Sports.
Desde su primera edición el príncipe Felipe de Borbón ha presidido todas sus ceremonias pero en esta edición ya lo ha hecho como rey Felipe VI. A partir de este año los premios pasarán a llamarse Princesa de Asturias en honor a la heredera del trono la princesa Leonor de Borbón.
Since it's first edition Prince Felipe de Borbón has chaired all their ceremonies but this year he has done as Felipe VI. From this year's awards will be renamed Princess of Asturias in honor of the heir to the throne, Princess Leonor de Borbón.
Entre los galardonados de 2014 encontramos a Frank O. Gehry en la sección de premio a las Artes. El arquitecto canadiense asentado en los Estados Unidos y más conocido en España por ser el creador del famoso Guggenheim de Bilbao o las Bodegas-hotel Marqués de Riscal en Elciego, Álava.
Among the 2014 honorees are Frank O. Gehry in the section of the Arts Award. The Canadian architect based in the United States and in Spain known as the creator of the famous Guggenheim in Bilbao or the Wineries-Hotel Marqués de Riscal in Elciego, Álava.
Among the 2014 honorees are Frank O. Gehry in the section of the Arts Award. The Canadian architect based in the United States and in Spain known as the creator of the famous Guggenheim in Bilbao or the Wineries-Hotel Marqués de Riscal in Elciego, Álava.
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Guggenheim de Bilbao |
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Bodegas-Hotel Marqués de Riscal |
Gehry entiende la arquitectura como una obra de arte en sí, una vez el edificio terminado tiene que verse como una escultura. De esta idea nacen sus edificios de formas geométricas impactantes, juegos de volúmenes y el empleo de materiales atípicos como el titanio además de no abandonar los aspectos primordiales de la arquitectura como son la funcionalidad del edificio e integración en el entorno. Todo esto le llevó a ser galardonado en 1989 por el premio Pritzker además de poseer los premios de arquitectura más prestigiosos del mundo.
Gehry understands architecture as a work of art in itself, once the building is finished it should look like a sculpture. From this idea born their impressive building geometric shapes, volumes and the use of unusual materials such as titanium without not abandon the fundamental aspects of architecture such as the functionality of the building and integration into the environment. All this led to him being awarded the 1989 Pritzker Prize and also he own the most prestigious prizes architectural world.
Gehry understands architecture as a work of art in itself, once the building is finished it should look like a sculpture. From this idea born their impressive building geometric shapes, volumes and the use of unusual materials such as titanium without not abandon the fundamental aspects of architecture such as the functionality of the building and integration into the environment. All this led to him being awarded the 1989 Pritzker Prize and also he own the most prestigious prizes architectural world.
Pero como no hay premio sin polémica Frank O. Gehry en la rueda de prensa previa a la entrega de los premios declaró que 'el 98% de los edificios que se hacen en el mundo son pura mierda' además de dedicarle una "peineta" a un periodista que le pregunto, por su consideración de sus obras como poco más que "arquitectura espectáculo". Finalmente se disculpo y acusó sus declaraciones a el cansancio y aturdimiento provocado por el viaje.
But there's no prize without controversy Frank O. Gehry in the conference prior to the awards stated that '98% of the buildings that are in the world are bullshit' in addition to show a "finger" to a press reporter who asked about his work to him is as little more than "sight architecture." Finally he apologized and blamed his statements to the fatigue and dizziness caused by the flight.
But there's no prize without controversy Frank O. Gehry in the conference prior to the awards stated that '98% of the buildings that are in the world are bullshit' in addition to show a "finger" to a press reporter who asked about his work to him is as little more than "sight architecture." Finally he apologized and blamed his statements to the fatigue and dizziness caused by the flight.
Polémicas a parte, Gehry es el máximo representante de la corriente deconstructivista. Su arquitectura no deja indiferente a nadie y como el mismo cita 'La arquitectura debe hablar por su tiempo y su lugar y, a la vez, anhelar la eternidad'.
Polemics aside, Gehry is the head of the deconstructivist current. It's architecture does not leave anyone indifferent and as he says 'Architecture should speak of it's time and place and in turn be ardent for Eternity '.
Polemics aside, Gehry is the head of the deconstructivist current. It's architecture does not leave anyone indifferent and as he says 'Architecture should speak of it's time and place and in turn be ardent for Eternity '.
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El Peix - Barcelona |
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El Gehry Building - Dusseldorf
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Counceling Center Hejmd de Aarhus - Denmark |
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Cinémathèque française - Paris |
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Walt Disney Center - Los Angeles |
Jay Pritzker Pavilion - Chicago |
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